THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

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Filed by a Party other than the Registrant { x }

Check the appropriate box:

{   }   Preliminary Consent Statement

{   }   Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as Permitted by  Rule 14a-

{   }   Definitive Consent Statement

{ x }   Definitive Additional Materials

{   }   Soliciting Material Pursuant to  Section  240.14a-11(c) or Section  240.

                                  DESIGNS, INC.

                            JEWELCOR MANAGEMENT, INC.

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{ x } No Fee required.

{   } Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11:

                         TO INCREASING STOCKHOLDER VALUE

                                                               December 24, 1998

Dear Fellow Stockholder:

         Happy  Holidays.  As a  stockholder  of  1,570,200  shares (or 9.9%) of
Designs,  Inc. (the  "Company"),  Jewelcor  Management,  Inc.  ("JMI") is deeply
concerned by the substantial decline in the market price of the Company's common
stock,  the decrease in  comparable  store sales and the  Company's  substantial
operating  losses.  As a result of the Company's poor performance  history,  JMI
believes  that a change in the  Company's  Board of  Directors  is  necessary to
enhance stockholder value.

         Toward that end, JMI is seeking your written consent to: (1) remove all
of the  current  members  of the  Board  of  Directors  of  Designs,  Inc.  (the
"Company"),  with the  exception of Stanley I.  Berger,  the founder and current
Chairman of the Company,  (2) elect Seymour Holtzman,  Deborah M.  Rhem-Jackson,
Peter R. McMullin,  Steve R. Tomasi and Jesse H. Choper (the "JMI  Nominees") to
the Board of Directors,  (3) amend certain  provisions of the Company's  By-Laws
and (4) repeal any amendments to the By-Laws adopted  subsequent to December 11,
1995  and  prior  to  the  effectiveness  of  the  proposals  (the  "Proposals")
summarized above and set out in detail in the Consent Statement,  dated December
21, 1998 (the "Consent Statement"), that accompanied this letter.

         In making your decision,  JMI asks that you take particular note of the
following recent developments:

         *    Stanley I. Berger, the founder and Chairman of the Company and the
              owner of 958,606 shares of the Company's  common stock  (excluding
              options) has delivered to JMI his written  consent in favor of the

         *    Mr. Berger,  who has a 20 year relationship  with Levi,  Strauss &
              Co.,  has  indicated  to JMI his  willingness  to  continue as the
              Chairman of the Board of the Company.


         Based upon its review of the Company's  business and financial results,
JMI firmly believes that the strategic  business plan of the Company as designed
and implemented by the existing Board and management has been a complete failure
for the Company and its stockholders.

         Examples  of the results of this  failure can be seen from  information
reported by the Company:

         *    The Company  reported an  operating  loss of  approximately  $46.1
              million (approximately $21.6 million of which represents a pre-tax
              nonrecurring charge) for the fiscal year ended January 31, 1998.

         *    The  Company  reported an  operating  loss of  approximately  $5.0
              million for the quarter ended May 2, 1998.

         *    The  Company  reported an  operating  loss of  approximately  $5.1
              million for the quarter ended August 1, 1998.

         *    The Company  reported an  operating  loss of  approximately  $15.2
              million (approximately $13.4 million of which represents a pre-tax
              nonrecurring charge) for the quarter ended October 31, 1998.

         The  market   price  of  the   Company's   common  stock  has  declined
significantly  over the last four  years.  The closing  price for the  Company's
common stock on December 31, 1994, the month in which Mr.  Reichman became Chief
Executive Officer was $7.00. The closing price for the Company's common stock on
November 25, 1998,  the business day  preceding the filing by JMI of its initial
Schedule  13D, was $.69 -- a decline of $6.31 or  approximately  90%. The charts
attached as annexes hereto clearly  reflect the poor  performance of the Company
under its current Board of Directors.

         Although  we can't  necessarily  take  credit for it, we are pleased to
note that after the filing of the preliminary consent solicitation  materials by
JMI with the Securities and Exchange  Commission on December 7, 1998, the market
price of the  Company's  common  stock has  increased  from $1.22 per share to a
closing  price of $2.00 per share (or  approximately  64% per share) on December
22, 1998.



         As disclosed in the Consent Statement,  the intent of the JMI Nominees,
if elected, is to immediately  undertake a review of the Company's business plan
and management to determine a definitive plan to enhance  stockholder  value. In
addition to the more  detailed  plans with  respect to  proposed  changes to the
Company's operations that the JMI Nominees would seek to undertake,  the Consent
Statement  also states that the JMI Nominees  will consider all other options to
enhance stockholder value, including,  but not limited to, the sale or merger of
the Company.

         As you are aware,  on December 11, 1998, the Company  announced that it
was  considering  strategic  alternatives,  including  a  possible  sale  of the
Company.  In keeping  with their  stated  intention  to consider  all options to
enhance  stockholder  value,  the JMI Nominees are committed to  continuing  any
process begun by the Company with respect to the sale of the Company in order to
enhance  stockholder  value.  The JMI  Nominees,  if elected,  will  immediately
evaluate the sale  process and, if in the best  interests of the Company and its
stockholders,  intend to continue to allow the process to proceed and be managed
by the Company's  current  financial  advisor,  Shields & Company,  Inc. The JMI
Nominees,  if elected, may seek to replace Shields & Company,  Inc. in the event
that Shields & Company is unable to find an acceptable buyer for the Company.

         JMI believes that it is essential  that any  transaction  involving the
sale of the Company be  administered  by Mr. Berger and the JMI Nominees  rather
than the current Board for the following reasons:

         *    The current Board is responsible for a $71.4 million loss over the
              21 months ended October 31, 1998.

         *    The current  Board,  with the exception of Mr.  Berger,  only owns
              approximately   102,000  shares  of  the  Company's  common  stock
              (excluding  options).  As stated  previously,  JMI owns  1,570,200
              shares of the Company's  common stock,  which is  approximately 15
              times more than the ownership  interest of the current  members of
              the Board, excluding the shares held by Mr. Berger.

         *    Stockholders   should  take  note  of  the  fact  that  the  Board
              determined,   only  after  JMI  filed  its   preliminary   Consent
              Statement,  that  seeking to  maximize  value in the near term (by
              considering strategic alternatives, including the possible sale of
              the   Company)  is  in  the  best   interest   of  the   Company's
              stockholders.  Stockholders could reasonably  question the current
              Board's  continued  commitment  to the  sale  process  if they are
              ultimately  successful in opposing JMI's consent  solicitation  to
              replace the Board.


         Moreover,  the  Board is not  obligated  to  disclose  the price of any
transaction it determines not to accept,  and there can be no assurance that the
Board  would  not seek to  implement  shark  repellents  or other  anti-takeover
devices to hinder a transaction that it does not want to accept.

         Furthermore,  JMI is concerned  that,  in  connection  with any sale or
merger of the Company,  the current Board,  which includes the current president
and chief executive officer of the Company, might negotiate:

         *    substantial  incentive  fees for  management in connection  with a
              sale or merger

         *    substantial   sign-up   bonuses  with  the  acquirer  for  current

         *    substantial break-up fees if the transaction isn't completed

         *    the granting of cheap options to a potential  acquirer to purchase
              up to 19.9% (approximately 3.1 million shares) of the common stock
              of the Company

         The payments of these amounts could reduce the amount of money realized
by the  stockholders  of the  Company  in a sale or  merger of the  Company.  If
elected,  the JMI Nominees  would seek to ensure a level playing field among all
potential buyers of the Company.

                              STRATEGY PENDING SALE

         Notwithstanding  a sale or merger to  enhance  stockholder  value,  the
Company must  immediately  continue to reduce the  overhead  costs and carry out
other cost saving  measures.  The JMI Nominees,  if elected,  would seek to more
significantly  reduce  administrative  and other  overhead  expenses  from those
recently  proposed by the Company so that the Company can become a true low cost
retail operator with a goal of creating a sustainable competitive advantage.
Specifically, the JMI Nominees would seek to:

         *    close  the  remaining  retail  stores  and focus  entirely  on the
              Company's  factory outlet discount  stores carrying  Levi's(R) and
              Dockers(R) brand name merchandise

         *    move to substantially smaller and less expensive office space

         *    ask that the  executive  officers of the Company agree to a cut in
              salary  until  such  time as the  Company  is sold or  returns  to

         *    reduce the new Board members' compensation by 25% of the amount to
              which directors are currently  entitled with such  compensation to
              be paid in common stock of the Company

         Furthermore,  Seymour  Holtzman  has stated  that he does not intend to
accept any salary from the Company.


                             YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT

         As a  stockholder  of the  Company,  you  need  to  decide  if you  are
satisfied  with the  current  management,  operation  and  profitability  of the
Company.  If you are not  satisfied,  it is time to change the leadership of the
Company.  The current  members of the  Company's  Board of  Directors  should be
removed,  with the exception of Mr. Berger,  and the JMI Nominees elected to the

         Since time is of the essence,  JMI urges you to  immediately  complete,
sign,  date and return the enclosed  WHITE consent card to D.F. King & Co., Inc.
at the  address  set  forth  below.  If your  shares  are  held in the name of a
brokerage firm, bank nominee or other institution, you should contact the person
responsible for your account and give instructions for the WHITE consent card to
be signed and returned.

         If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact:

         D.F. King & Co., Inc.
         77 Water Street, 20th Floor
         New York, NY  10005
         1-800-431-9643 (toll free)


         Seymour Holtzman or Richard Huffsmith
         Jewelcor Management, Inc.
         100 North Wilkes-Barre Blvd
         Wilkes-Barre, PA  18702
         1-800-880-6972 (toll free)

         Thank you for your support.


                                         Jewelcor Management, Inc.
                                         /s/ Seymour Holtzman
                                         Seymour Holtzman, Chairman, Chief
                                         Executive Officer and President


            Operating Income (Loss) & Stock Price History (Chart 1)

The following  performance  graph  compares the  operating  income (loss) of the
Company versus its stock price for the periods set forth below.

                              [PERFORMANCE GRAPH]

28-Jan-95 3-Feb-96 1-Feb-97 31-Jan-98 30-Oct-98 --------- -------- -------- --------- --------- Operating Income (Loss) ($000) 27,531 15,545 9,890 (46,179) (25,506) Stock Price ($) 7.75 6.13 6.00 2.19 0.69
Comparison Of Five Year Cumulative Return (Chart 2) The following performance graph compares the Company's cumulative stockholder return with that of a broad market index (Standard & Poor's Industrials Index) and one published industry index (Standard & Poor's Retail, Speciality-Apparel, Index) for each of the most recent five years ended January 31. The cumulative stockholder return for shares of Common Stock and each of the indices is calculated assuming that $100 was invested on Januray 31. The performance of the indices is shown on a total return (dividends reinvested) basis. Source: Standard & Poor's Compustat Services, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies. [PERFORMANCE GRAPH] This stock performance graph shows that if $100 was invested in January 1993, the ending value in January 1998 of the $100 invested would be the following: S&P Industrials Index $249.79 S&P Retail (Specialty-Apparel) Index $186.55 Designs, Inc. (DESI) $ 11.51